Welcome to the Green Wrythe Primary School career site

We are searching for the best education professionals



Green Wrythe is a wonderful school because of the children and adults who learn here together, our very supportive Governors and our enthusiastic parents. Green Wrythe is a very special school because it consists of two departments; the main school department and the Rainbow department for children with autistic spectrum disorders.

We are a caring school where everyone’s needs are catered for and everyone thrives in the nurturing environment. Our school is all about learning and we plan exciting opportunities for the children to learn across the curriculum both in school, out in the local community and further a field. Green Wrythe Primary School opened its doors on 13 April 2015 as part of the Greenshaw Learning Trust.  

About Us

Green Wrythe is part of the Greenshaw Learning Trust, we are a happy school in which all children feel secure and confident. Children are encouraged to develop positive attitudes towards learning and to achieve high standards in all that they do. We are fortunate at Green Wrythe to have a team of caring and highly motivated staff, who provide an exciting and stimulating environment in which all children can be provided with a wealth and variety of learning experiences. These experiences will help them develop their basic skills, concepts and social attitudes alongside their emotional, physical and intellectual development.

Our goal is to help all children develop lively enquiring minds, good personal relationships and the knowledge and skills for the ever changing technological and multi-cultural world in which we live. To achieve this, self-discipline and tolerance of others, their cultures and races are encouraged at all times. We recognise the importance of good home - school links and of the partnership with parents.


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We would love you to join our Talent Pool so we can contact you when the right vacancy arises.

Talent Pool

Join Our Talent Pool - If you're searching for your next teaching post, why not contact us now? You'll be working at a great school and be part of a friendly, helpful team. We're always interested to hear from enthusiastic, committed teachers - send us your Application Form now via our School Talent Pool and say what sort of role you're looking for. By joining our School Talent Pool we'll know you're interested in working here when a future vacancy occurs.

The Greenshaw Learning Trust



Green Wrythe Primary School is very happy to be part of the Greenshaw family.

The Greenshaw Learning Trust is a charitable company, limited by guarantee, with the sole purpose of maintaining and developing academy schools to provide comprehensive and inclusive education for the public benefit. Its schools are publicly funded by the Department for Education.  The Trust has a record of working with a great many primary, secondary and special schools, locally and across the country, providing practical support to staff and students and delivering interventions to raise standards of teaching and learning and enable them to achieve their ambitions

The Greenshaw Learning Trust provides an effective structure to ensure schools achieve real benefits from school-to-school collaboration and receive the support they need.  Our culture of trust and openness fosters mutual support and continual improvement.  

Each school in the Trust is led by its own leadership team and local governing body, who have the backing of the Trust to help them achieve their objectives for their school.

To find out more, please visit our Trust page.


Our Location

Our Location

Our Location
CB24 4RS